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Stop Bullying!

Stop Bullying!

There are many people who suffer from constant bullying whether it be through friend groups at school, through social media, or many other sources of the abuse. One in five students report to being bullied, but the sad truth is that there are way more students affected. Out of previous students, 66.8 percent report that they were bullied once or twice in the school years. 33 percent say they were bullied at least once or twice a month during a single school year. And sadly, 4.2 percent were bullied almost every day. That may not seem like a lot, but the sad reality is that is way more than we would ever like to have, and some students still suffer daily.

The National Center for Educational Statistics’ 2016 study found that the most common sources of bullying are because of physical appearance, race and ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, and/or sexual orientation. We need to stop bullying because it is harming people’s mental health throughout the world. We need to accept people no matter what they look like, who, or what, they are attracted to, and no matter what color their skin is.

Jonnie Wallace

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