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All About Dreams

All About Dreams

We all dream four to seven times a night, even if you don’t notice it. It could be a good dream or a bad dream, and you still might forget it.

Ninety-percent of people forget their dream. Five minutes after you awake, you will forget your dream. A dream has two different meanings. The two different meanings is where the dream is told as a symbolic story, and the other one is individual meaning. . . which is specific to the dreamer.

Most dreams affect what’s going on with your life. For example, say you are dreaming you were late to school for your big exam. You are probably nervous for the exam. Dreams do mean something even if you do end up forgetting them after five minutes of awakening.

Now, onto the different types of dreams. There are multiple different types of dreams. You could have daydreams while you’re half-way through math class or even false awakening dreams, which are the types of dreams when you go through your morning routine. You’re just brushing your teeth in the bathroom and next thing you know, you’re back in back at five a.m. You could also have one of the more known dreams: lucid dreams. But let’s just hope you don’t have a nightmare! Those are the worst. You could have a healing dream or a prophetic dream or even a signal dream. There are also recurring dreams when you have the same dream over and over, fun or scary.

Even if you read that list and had an idea of what dreams you might be having, you might not know quite what they mean! A healing dream is when you get a “message” in your dreams regarding your health. A prophetic dream is when you “see in to the future.” Signal dreams help you to make decisions or solve problems.

Now, back into the more technical part of dreams. Studies show that they position you sleep could affect what kind of dreams you have. The research shows that if you sleep on your left side, you are more likely to have a nightmare. If you sleep on your right side you will have a lucid dream. Lucid dreams are when the dream feels real.

Dreams are a part of your imagination. You dream at night and during the day. You might not notice it but you do. Everybody dreams.

Chloe & Maddie

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