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By: Jonnie Wallace

In today’s society, pit bulls are often viewed as big, terrifying animals. Many people are living in fear of the animal; most people will not even give a pitbull a chance at having a home with them because of their bad reputation. Some people even think that these innocent animals have “locked jaw”, and are destined to kill everything they come in contact with. Well, I am here to tell you that these are complete lies. In fact, most of the reason that pitbulls are “vicious” or “cruel” is because of neglect from the sole people who vowed to protect them: their own owners.

Humans have a way of hearing something and twisting seven-hundred different ways to fit into their own mindset. Pitbulls are kind and compassionate animals who have been known as “The Nanny Dog” throughout history. They were given this name because of their loving and loyal tendencies towards humans.

Personally, I have two pit bulls. A female, Audrie, and a male, Chuka. Chuka is nine years old, which is honestly pretty old for a pitbull. Audrie is around two years old, and she has just had her second litter of puppies. Audrie and Chuka are some of the nicest animals you would ever meet, but they have their limits as any other animal does. They do not like to be mistreated and if you are neglectful, they may act out in ways that could potentially harm you, as any animal would.

If you feel you need more time for yourself, I would not recommend a pitbull. They are affectionate animals and no matter their size, they think they’re small enough to fit in your lap. However, if you are looking for an animal that is kind, energetic, and will protect you with its life; you might want to look into getting a pitbull as your next pet.

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