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WWI Brief Rundown

Updated: Mar 28, 2019

Many people have a different look on how WWI started. The date of the first declaration of war was in July 28, 1914, by Austria-Hungary on Serbia.

Earlier on, Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia. This led on to having the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, causing Austria-Hungary to be angered. The beginning of WWI could have been Russia and Germany wanting the same area of land used for their needs. Nevertheless, the war started with multiple allies getting called into the war with the Triple Entente/Allies (Great Britain, France, Russia) against the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy who later changed sides). The US also later joined the Allies, but stayed out of it for a while, saying it is no threat to neither their property nor lives. The US then joined after our ships were sunk, the war dept that could never be paid off for the Allies, and the Zimmerman note. This was a message Germany sent to Mexico, encouraging them to attack the US, making the Central Powers not having to worry about the US. The US found out about this from British Intelligence who intercepted the telegram.

Germany had a famous plan of attack that would also be carried out in WWII called the Schlieffen Plan. The plan was to split the military up, attacking France, then reunite to turn over on Russia. Germany carried out their plan, successfully taking over a mass of land. Before they could capture all of France, Germany was stopped by France and Britain troops. Germany was eventually pushed back into its own land. The war eventually ended on the eleventh hour, the eleventh day, the eleventh month, of 1918.

WWI was one of the bloodiest battles ever fought with around 40 million deaths. Even with the title of, “War to End All Wars,” there were still more conflict after this.

By Matthew

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